Thursday, July 3, 2008

Articles on business I would rather read:

·      How to survive the day when your PMS wants you to rip off your co-workers head

·      Laughing at boss’s jokes: the fine art of the fake laugh

·      Being competitive and not being called a bitch

·      Why you just can’t be honest

·      Is that Chanel? No, it’s Old Navy

·      If not this then what?

·      Surviving downsizing without giving blow jobs

·      Getting promoted without the hassle of a sex change

more to come. this one's for the little guy.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

how to finish a bottle of wine

you start with dinner. because what is dinner without wine. you don't pour too much. just enough to accent the sensual textures and aromas of the meal.

well that glass ended quickly. you're not even done eating. this justifies the next glass. again reasonable amount, although a little more then the last time. 

after dinner you sit back and enjoy the meal you just eat. that wine sure did compliment that food. it did leave your throat dry. ::swallow:: you end up at the fridge toping off the glass to clear your throat. nothing is more hydrating then wine. 

all the sudden that sitcom about southern families is getting funnier. i mean that's not how you dance.

your friend calls. i mean, you might as well get another glass so you can stay on the phone. 

this call is lasting a long time. one more glass. 

finally it ends. you remember you have to do some work from home. well that's going to need another glass. 

now you're bored and buzzed. so i think that deserves a drink. go get a glass of wine!

that one wasn't very big, so you get another one in justification. just as you pour that last glass all of the wine is done. 

you did it. you finished the bottle. go you.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I'd like to take some time to explain where I was. Nicki.23 works. Nicki.23 works a lot. Nicki.23 has no idea what she is working towards but regardless is working hard. Nicki.23 lost what used to feel like creativity. Nicki.23 makes jokes about Xerox and the inability to receive a document on time. (you know, you order something to be printed in 2 days and receive it in 5 done incorrectly... i mean come on, I should just go and print it myself... funny right?) Nicki.23 go get laid.